Fotonica registry
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Technical Engineer Telecommunication or Industrial Technical Engineer in Electronics (3 yrs) (depending on professional experience).Telecommunication Engineer or Industrial Engineer (5 yrs).Graduate in Physics (depending on the specialization).Graduate in Industrial Engineering (depending on the specialization),.Graduate in Telecommunication Engineering (Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering, Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering, Degree in Communications Electronic Engineering, Degree in Telematics Engineering, Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering).The prerequisite for admission to the Master in Photonics Engineering programme concerns the following student profile:

fotonica registry

General prerequisites: incoming students must meet the requirements established by the Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September 2021, which apply to both Spanish university degrees and institutions of the European Higher Education Area and to foreign educational systems, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to the official Spanish degree and that it qualifies the holder for admission to a master's degree. The different subjects will be taught at one of the 3 universities that participate in the master degree program: Carlos III of Madrid University, Polytechnic of Madrid University and Alcalá University. There is another modulus M5 including internship, and compulsory entrepreneur activities. In the compulsory subjects, the basic fundamentals for the design of photonic subsystems with novel technologies are covered, from an applied engineering perspective (in modulus M1) and its practical implementation at the laboratory level together with the necessary simulation tools (in modulus M2). Most of the elective credits are distributed in 2 tracks: photonic systems (I1) described in modulus M3 and photonics devices (I2) described in modulus M4. ), along with an optional internship for the development of photonic systems applications. This subject allows to approach the student to practical cases in the professional environment or to the latest research trends. There is also the possibility of developing short international mobility activities. The optional subjects are distributed in 2 training tracks. The student should choose at least 12 ECTS within a specific track to get a mention on it. It is also possible to combine subjects from both tracks. Plus a New Trends and Entrepreneurship subject is offered, which includes a series of seminars, including activities related to entrepreneurship (how to start a spin-off, intellectual property rights, Innovation management. This is a master's degree that is taught during an academic course with a set of 30 ECTS (European Credits Transfer) of compulsory subjects, 18 ECTS of elective subjects and 12 ECTS of Master's thesis Work. for creating starts-up or researching in that field.Īfter finishing the master degree, students can enroll in Electrical, Electronics and Automation Engineering PhD degree program among others.having the proper tools to get involved in an industry demanding experts on those technologies,.providing subtainable solutions in different environments,.The main goal of the Interuniversity Master in Photonics Engineering is to prepare professionals with a high level of expertise in cutting-edge photonics technologies and being able to innovate using them, That is why Photonics is identified in Europe and the United States as one of the key technologies for fostering future economic development. Its transversal character allows the rise of new "hybrid" technologies such as the Nanophotonics, Biophotonics, Photonics in Medicine, Environmental Photonics, Consumer Photonics and Optical Communication Photonics, etc. Light and based technologies provide means for addressing current global challenges such as sustainable development, the generation of 'clean energy' and the improvement of people's health and well-being.

Fotonica registry